Thursday, 2 April 2015

Evaluation Q.7 Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the product?

Evaluation Q.6 What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

 Through the filming of our media product we used multiple technologies This includes different hardwares (Such as a camera, microphone or tripod), softwares (Such as Premiere Pro or Photoshop) or websites (Such as Youtube or Blogger) in the four stages of the media product: Research, Planning, Construction and Evaluation.


 We used Blogger throughout the development of the media production, but mainly in the Research group. Practically all of the research that we did we documented on Blogger. We also used Blogger for the majority of the other groups, and even the posts that used other softwares were still put onto Blogger, making every single piece of work is on the Blogger site, making it the most used website in this production.

 Google was used primarily to research in the 'Research' group. Mainly the function of Google was to look up images to help liven up a blog. We did also use it in 'Planning' in the Location Sheet, where Google Maps was used to find the outside of the house we used to shoot the film.

 We used YouTube in our preparation, construction and evaluation mainly to upload footage to, or to look back at the footage. It was also useful for the screening, as the people watching could easily rewatch certain scenes that they enjoyed or were partially confused about. It also made the film easy to access, meaning that we could watch it multiple times at multiple different locations.

Adobe Premiere Pro Cs6
Adobe Premiere Pro Cs6 is the editing software that our group used to edit any film work that we did, including the Preliminary task, the Animatic and the finished Thriller Opening. The editing software was used in the Research, Construction, Planning and the Evaluation stages of the production of the opening.

Google Images
Google Images was used in the Construction stage to find the images used in our Ident, an ocean at night with the moon above.

FreeSFX is a site that we used to add different sound effects and music to the scenes, all copyright free. The use of the website definitely improved the media product on the Preliminary task, as it created a more realistic and natural setting, as well as adding a layer of eeriness to the scene through merging creaking noises to the door opening.

The tripod is a piece of equipment that stabilises the camera while recording, minimising the amount of camera sway created mainly by human error. This makes the shots seem more professional, and adds to the level of immersion. We used a tripod for filming our finished Media product, making the overall quality of the film better.

The camera we used was for capturing the video used for the film, and while we could have used it for capturing the sound, we instead used an actual boom mic for a better sound quality. The camera in general is a decent quality for recording, and made the filming fairly easy to use and control.

Boom mic
 The boom mic was used in order to improve the audio quality in the film, with a 'Dead Cat' over it to negate most strong wind sound. We used it in the final Media Product during the scenes showing Destiny talking in order to get the best possible quality in his speech.


 The headphones were used during the filming of the opening in order for the person in charge of sound to monitor the audio in better quality, and could easily tell us if there is any interference in the audio such as wind blocking dialogue or is a person is speaking in the background being picked up by the sensitive microphone.

 Overall, we have gained a great understanding of the technologies that were used in the Thriller Opening, especially compared to the preliminary task. We managed to create a more professional looking film opening through gaining experience in most of the hardwares, and we managed to maximise the efficiency that the film took to create using different softwares and websites.

Evaluation Q.5 How did you attract/address your audience?

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Evaluation Q.4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation Q.3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Q.2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Q.1 'In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Finished Film- Patience

This is our final thriller opening, Patience. The film is about one person, later discovered to be the antagonist, kidnapping another person, soon to become the protagonist.

Thriller titles

After the IDENT use a FADE IN. The titles should then be in the following order:

(1) 'Your Production Company' Presents
(2) A Film by 'One name - usually the director'
(3) Starring or With
(4) Male star
(5) Female star or other way round
(6) Title of film - or could be at the end
(7) Also starring - 2/3/names - each on separate title
(8) Then 3/4/5 of the following - you choose - each on separate title Editing Music Cinematography or Director of Photography Casting Set Designer Costume Designer Script
(9) Then Producer(s) - can be more than one
(10) Always finish with Director - one name, usually the same as A Film By ...
(11) Could put title here Remember to use LiveType and try to make titles interesting. They can be either over black or superimposed over your film. Space them out over the two minutes of the film.Give the audience plenty of time to read the titles.
(12) Finish with a fade out & fade music out

The Se7en title sequence is rather unique in its style of showing the audience the cast and crew of the film.
 In order, the appearances in the sequence goes:
- No Idents (this keeps the theme of the sequence)
- New Line Cinema Presents
- An Arnold Kopelson Production
- A Film By David Fincher
- Morgan Freeman
- Seven (also kept with the theme of the opening)
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- John Cassini, Reginald E.Cathey Peter Crombie
- Many shots for other people such as editing, sound and costume

- Produced By Arnold Kopelson & Phyllis Carlyle(these are only a few producers of many; These are the leaders)
- Directed By David Fincher

 The opening shows a man who has not been introduced to us yet removing dead skin from his fingers with a razor. This obviously seems a weird thing for a man to do, keeping the sense of tension and confusion with the audience until we understand why he is doing this. A razor blade is a strange tool to use for this already strange act, and is used to add a sense of violence and danger to the scene.


Psycho's opening scene is very effective in putting across its message for the film. This is due to the name of the film being linked to mental unbalance, and the use of the sliding and changing bars ti bring in names and taking away parts of the names at different times would suggest almost an incompleteness about the scene. Not only this, but the constant slight shaking of the names fits well with the films plot, as the shaking would imply an energy or unstable quality to the names, relating to the plot by making the main character constantly seem strange and uncomfortable in many scenes. Not only this, but the musical score to accompany the visual placements suggests an uneasy or rushing tone, once again corresponding with the plot of the film.


The screening took place at different times between showing my family at home and my friends at school or during my free time. A total of seven people were shown the opening, and after i asked for them to fill out a survey to collect their opinions.

Audience feedback

I showed the finished media product to a small number of people, including some family and some friends. Generally the feedback was positive, with people saying that it was a good opening, and that they would consider watching on. Some people however did say that it reminded them of the plot of 'Taken'. While this is not a great response, it still boosts confidence about the opinion of the film. One common criticism that the film received was at the last live shot of the film shows a piece of equipment in shot unintentionally placed. This wasn't noticed by me personally, making the feedback welcome and useful as a method of finding problems that small numbers of people may not see.
 I also created a survey for people to take after they watched it, and as of writing this only three people in my class had answered it.
 However, the overall results of our media product is reasonably positive according to the majority of the sample asked, meaning that while there were a few negative comments, they were constructive and enable us to improve on our work that we create in the future.