In order for a movie to be classified as a thriller, it has to contain certain aspects and inclusions in the movie that repeats throughout the genre. These can include; Fast pacing throughout the scenes and in editing, frequent action, often between the main character and the evil villain or an evil organisation and resourceful and intelligent heroes that have to thwart and destroy the plan of the evil villain. These characteristics are spread across almost all thrillers, with the exception of one or two. These thrillers also has a plot that is driven by the villain, and so the main protagonist is rather dragged along with the plan in order to defeat them.
Thrillers also manipulate certain devices in order to make them successful and well driven. These devices can include; suspense to keep the audience on the edge of their seat and glued to the screen in order to see what happens next. Thrillers also uses Red Herrings in order to trick their audience, and to throw them off of their best judgement. Cliff hangers is also used, often at the end of the Thrillers, in order to include dramatic irony n some cases, and to make the audience excited for the next instalment.
Thrillers in general is quite a flexible genre, and can engage the audience through a dramatic rendering of
social and political tensions. This means that the premise of Thrillers can be adapted and moulded in order to fit a story, which can be based off of different twists in story, including the addition of mental issues, physical limitations and certain tensions that affect the society at the time.
Thrillers also have a certain reputation to go against other films. Some of the best received and most successful films created in recent years have been Thrillers, and even stretches back to other classic films like Pulp Fiction. This film can be considered the best example of a thriller by the fact that it makes you think and piece the plot together as you watch, keeping the audience members immersed and interested. This tactic can not be seen in other film genres, such as in action or sci-fi, which can often feature a straight forward and linear plot, unlike pulp fiction.